Saturday, May 6, 2023

Guarding The Mind


Guarding The Mind

Our minds are valuable. Why do we abuse them with drugs? Why did *I* do so many drugs back in the day? Why didn’t I even care about it?  
I had this dream recently – I was on a fast moving train with some other people, and suddenly there was a knock on the train door- coming from the outside. But the train was still going, really fast, down the rails. I sensed the danger immediately and knew not to open the door. But there was an old friend of mine on the train who stood up to answer the door- and I yelled to her DONT OPEN IT!! …but it was too late, she opened it and a demon grabbed her and pulled her out of the train. The door shut again and the train kept on flying down the tracks, my friend could not be rescued. She was taken by the enemy. I couldnt save her. This dream is sad but is a reality. You can warn people, share what you know, pray for them, but everybody makes their own choices.