Saturday, May 6, 2023

Roaches To The Rescue


Roaches To The Rescue

I really do like bugs, I think they’re cute, and I feel sorry for them.

A few years ago, roaches came to my rescue. 

How is this possible, you might ask?

Well, I was living in the Florida Panhandle at the time, in a place that was comfortable, but had it’s dangers. 
It was a high crime area, and at this particular place, there were a few people who were a threat to my safety, coming around every so often to the property I was living at. A slipshod fence was built around the place, which locked from the inside, but sometimes it didn’t completely hold the dangerous folk back. If I gave more details, you’d see that there’s no exaggerating here – it was an increasingly dangerous situation, but it was handled, day by day, until another lodging could be found. It was scary…

So how did cockroaches help me at that place?

I will tell you. Towards the end of my stay there, a certain threatening person would attempt to come to the property every few days or so, harassing, yelling, making threats, and simply terrorizing in general. He was a raging alcoholic, and my dwelling was his favorite place to unleash his fury. It was a tricky situation, not something that could be easily dealt with, and at the time, I had no real understanding of why he was doing it, but that’s beside the point. 

Back to the roaches…

During the last few months that I was there, the smoke detector started malfunctioning, going off and beeping for no reason. The batteries were fresh, the wiring was good, there was no reason for it to be chirping, until –

I began to notice the timing of it. It always happened when I was there alone, in the day, and right before the Problem Man began his antics. 

I started to understand that the “smoke alarm” really was a smoke alarm – it began notifying me that he was approaching, giving me time to pray for protection, and that God would subdue him. Every time. For a few months this went on. The smoke detector would chirp once or twice, I’d get on my knees and quickly pray for safety, then the Problem Man would either yell something profane out at my house, or bang on the gate, or whatever he could do, but he could not come in, or enter my property. It was scary, but God was with me. So for a while, I kept it a secret from my husband, what was happening with the smoke detector when he wasn’t home, because I didn’t want him to fix it. It was my Prayer Alarm during that time. God has always protected me, sometimes in very special ways, He is so awesome!

So eventually the day came, when the alarm chirped, and my husband heard it. I said, “quick, let’s pray, ___ is coming!” My husband prayed with me, ___ did show up, and it went smoothly. Then he asked me about it, and I told him what had been going on for the past few months, how God was guarding me from ___ while I was alone all day. My husband did investigate the smoke detector, found nothing wrong, but began to pay attention to it, to find out what was going on. 

One weekend, while he was home, it began to chirp. He promptly went to it, popped it open, and discovered a roach inside. 

Later on, same thing happened again. Another chirp, another roach. 

He said that roaches were crawling inside of it, and every time they did, it tripped the wire, and made the sound. He disconnected it, and it just hung there, on the wall, deactivated. 
But it’s ok, because right after that, we moved, so the Cockroach Prayer Alert Smoke Alarm was no longer needed. 

Before anyone judges me for having roaches at that place, believe me when I say that was the least of my concerns there.

Florida was a time of fun for me, yes, but there were some times of simply surviving, and that was one of them. 

All of this to say, God can use ANYTHING – including lowly cockroaches. 
I like and appreciate all bugs, even more now.

___ passed away shortly after we moved from that place, but I don’t know if the roaches are still there or not. If they are, I hope that they too will serve a purpose, somehow… 

The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.
Psalm 34:7

It's OK To Sit And Stare Into Space


It’s OK To Sit And Stare Into Space

…and feel the emptiness, hear the quiet, see some plain old nothing. It’s ok to be alone and it’s ok to have nothing to do. It’s ok to just sit there and think. 

It’s ok not to have a plan. 

It’s ok to be without surrounding activity and feel like time is standing still around you. 

It’s ok to turn off the phone. 

It’s ok to unplug the tv and the computer.

It’s ok to have an empty mailbox.

Life isn’t about things. We all know this, but it sure feels uncomfortable when these “things” are not there. So somehow, even though we know it’s not about things, we still find ways to make it such. Why?

Because we don’t want to face the real reason we’re constantly filling our life with things – we’re trying to fill the void. 

So what’s the void?

Underneath the layers that vary from person to person, is one common void that we all share – the need for Jesus Christ. The need for a true, intimate, abiding relationship with Him. The need for union with our loving Creator. 

We will keep on trying to fill that void with anything and everything the world has to offer, and nothing will sustain us for long. Nothing will really heal us. Nothing will truly help us in the long run. Only Jesus.

The void that we all have is like a pot hole on a road that some lazy city worker keeps trying to fill with ketchup instead of concrete. The world tries to fill up your void with ketchup, but Jesus is the concrete. He’s the Rock of Ages and He never changes.

So it’s ok to face the void. It’s ok to eliminate all the distractions of your old life, and face the fact that you’ve gone long enough without Jesus. 

Ask Him to come in. He’s there at the door of your heart waiting for you. He never barges in uninvited. He gives us the choice to open the door.

Can you not see or feel the void? Then get rid of distractions on your own. The quieter things become, the better. Feel some discomfort. Get awkward with yourself. Expose yourself to the weirdness of nothing.

Jesus is calling.

Take down distracting things off your walls, donate your music collection, get rid of clothes that promote bands and labels and logos. You were not born into this world to be a walking billboard for someone else’s business. God wants to prosper YOU, in time. 

Seek Him first…

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Matthew 6:33

Jesus Is No Secret


Jesus Is No Secret

Jesus made Himself plain for everyone to see. He spoke openly to the people while here on earth, not in secret undercover meetings that only certain people could attend.

He is here for us all, no matter who we are. Poor or rich or somewhere in between, learned in the world or of a simple mind, it matters not. He came and gave His life for us all. He’s available to us all, the way to go is laid out plain before us all. It’s only up to each of us to choose it.

There’s no hidden formula, special secret prayers, or any certain spiritual ability required to learn of Him and know Him and experience Him and follow Him. We all can pray to Jesus, and spend time with Him.

The Bible (KJV for me) is still available to us all, His Word is there plain to see and partake of. In it He shows us the way to eternal life, with Him. It’s only our personal choice, what will you choose?

No one is excluded from His invitation to know and recieve and follow Him. He forgives anyone and everyone who comes to Him for forgiveness if it’s sincere and heartfelt.

No college degree or special training or education is needed to learn of Jesus. The world’s learning system has nothing to do with seeking, finding, and following Jesus.

A prayer –

Lord Jesus, thank You for making Yourself available to me and thank You for Your Word that teaches me and helps me and feeds me. Thank You for not making it hard to reach You or understand what You want for us. Thank You for showing us how to live. Thank You for making it easy to reach you.

The Way Out


The Way Out

There are times in our lives when it seems there’s no way out.

Sometimes life is like being trapped inside a room,
completely locked, with no windows, doors, or keys.

And you, unable to get yourself out, not even knowing how to do it, even if you knew the way. 

Sometimes the locked doors are our own limitations.

Lack of resources, impaired mobility, a weakened state of mind,  maybe. Lack of support, standing alone, with no one in our corner.

Some life situations are like staring at a puzzle on a table, and not even being able to reach for one puzzle piece, to see if it might fit. Life can seem like one big unsolved puzzle at times.

I’ve heard of real-life escape rooms, and that is exactly what some situations in life can feel like. 

I know of a key that is able to set us free from these troubling situations, when all the doors are locked and the windows are sealed shut, when lions wait outside the door to devour, should you break free. 

The way out is on your knees.
Through calling on Jesus.
He can open every door, subdue every lion, and lift you up and out of every hopeless pit.

It might not happen instantly, but in His timing, He will save and rescue, according to His will. 

There are times in life when no outside help comes, and in these hopeless and scary seasons, we have a true friend in Jesus. 

In a real life escape room, you’re on a frantic search for the way out. But we don’t have to handle life circumstances in a frantic, rushed state. We can fall upon our knees, and pray. We can call upon the name of the Lord. We can humble ourselves and pour out our troubles to the One who listens and cares and loves us unconditionally. 

The way of escape is on our knees, in prayer.

Jesus Is Everything


Jesus Is Everything

How can you say enough about Jesus, when He’s done so much for you?

I do get quiet at times, but then…

I just need to speak more about Him.

The Word tells us that Jesus is all, and in all. 

He’s our shelter and our strength, our help and our hope. Jesus is our healing and our joy. He’s our riches, our treasure, and the inheritance of those who let go of everything else, to follow Him. 

He’s our guard and our protection. And, He’s our amusement and delight, giving us small happy things, like watching a playful puppy run around, little tail wagging, pouncing on a ball. Earthly delights like this are from Him! 

Jesus is our clothing. He covers us in His patience and mercy. 

He is our wisdom and our knowledge. 

Jesus is the light in dark places, He’s the way out of problems and trouble, He’s the strong hand reaching down to rescue us from the pit, if we will only reach out and hold on to Him. 

Jesus is life. His Name is written on our dna and found within our cells. Just like He’s there with the prisoners – in their cells. Jesus forgives all who sincerely go to Him for forgiveness. Those condemned to die on Death Row obtain eternal life, joy, and freedom with Him, in heaven, when they turn to Him. The sentences rightfully carried out by earthly judges are temporary, but freedom in Christ – The One True Judge – is eternal, and no lawyer or accuser will prevail or be able to overturn His ruling. We are safe with Him. 

Jesus is all and in all. He’s everything. Learn of Him, follow Him. This fallen world is under His judgement and is passing away. So are we. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow. We must 
remember that we are one second away from the eternal, at any given moment in time. We can pass from this life into the next – either heaven, or hell – at any moment. Our earthly lives are set for death, but to follow Jesus is eternal life. 

He is King. Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords. He loves us all and gave His life on the cross for us all, for whomever will believe it, and receive it. 

Jesus is everything. 

God Provides


God Provides

I had this dream recently…

I saw a young woman, dressed in a simple white gown, barefoot, she was walking down a dirt road, going to a water pump. The setting appeared to be Appalachia, it was in a rural mountain region. I saw her walk up to a water pump that was beside the road – an old silver one – and she carried no container for the water, she was only going to refresh herself. As she approached the pump, I saw that she had also with her a small bit of clay, which she took and rolled upon her arm, as if it were soap. The bit of clay was enough. I then spoke to her in the dream, and asked her if she was in Kentucky, and she answered yes. I commented how beautiful the region was, and started to go on and on about how much I liked it, as if I were a tourist on vacation. She was silent, and went about her business, uninterested in my observations.

I felt conviction in the dream, as if I were missing something that was being shown to me. 

The woman was simple, dressed in a white gown, and I understood it was a wedding dress, and although she had no shoes on, it was enough. She had recently received Christ and was newly saved, a new believer. 
She was going to a water pump – accessing the Word of God, the Living Waters – and what was provided to her was enough. 
She had a small piece of clay to be used as soap – her faith – and it was enough. 
What appeared to be a simple woman with little worldly goods, going to an old-fashioned water pump, was an illustration of how Jesus meets our needs, no matter what our earthly station or situation. 
I felt conviction in the dream for arrogance, thinking at first she had nothing. 

She had everything, and all that she needed. 

Peacocks Aren't Vain


Peacocks Aren’t Vain…

Peacocks are colorful, and seem to enjoy displaying their feathery decorative plumage. People call them vain and proud, but I disagree. They’re just using the assets that God equipped them with, in order to attract a mate. I think that was nice of God to give the male birds something extra. More colorful appearances, more melodic singing, nest building skills, and even awesome dance moves, in some species. For the most part, male birds really need these dating advantages, because birds are nerds. So I don’t think it’s accurate to say that peacocks are proud and vain, as those are sins, and animals don’t sin. People sin, and some traits in animals serve to remind us of our own sin. Thanks, animals. 

Guarding The Mind


Guarding The Mind

Our minds are valuable. Why do we abuse them with drugs? Why did *I* do so many drugs back in the day? Why didn’t I even care about it?  
I had this dream recently – I was on a fast moving train with some other people, and suddenly there was a knock on the train door- coming from the outside. But the train was still going, really fast, down the rails. I sensed the danger immediately and knew not to open the door. But there was an old friend of mine on the train who stood up to answer the door- and I yelled to her DONT OPEN IT!! …but it was too late, she opened it and a demon grabbed her and pulled her out of the train. The door shut again and the train kept on flying down the tracks, my friend could not be rescued. She was taken by the enemy. I couldnt save her. This dream is sad but is a reality. You can warn people, share what you know, pray for them, but everybody makes their own choices.

Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl, Written By Herself - Harriet Jacobs - Audiobook


Foxe's Book Of English Martyrs - Vol. 1 and 2 - Audiobooks


The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan - Audiobook


Tortoises At The Dallas Zoo


Taken one month after coming back home to Texas. I hadn't been to the Dallas Zoo in decades. Went there so many times, as a child, growing up in Dallas. I didn't know how much I missed it, until walking up to that same old entrance, and being greeted by the delightful flamingo garden, the bronze sculpture of the child playing on the giraffe, and the large elephant water fountain. I must admit, seeing these things again made me tear up a little bit, and I think my overall excitement and enthusiasm that day was equal to, or more than, the kids in the strollers. 

But seeing these tortoises, above all, warmed my heart. I said "hello" to them, and even told the one going under the bridge that I hoped it found what it was looking for, on the other side of the pen. 
You just can't help but think deep when most of your adult life has been based on the "find your way through the chaos" theme. 

I think that tortoise who was going under the walkway just wanted a little but of shade, privacy, and alone time. 
I completely get that. 

I came home from Florida in Sept. of 2021
and hopefully will visit these tortoises many more times. 

Florida has dolphins and lots of amazing birds and sharks and all the things, but Texas has my heart. 
I'm thankful to be home.



     (more writing - pdf)

My Last Day In Florida


...was the first day of my new life, back home in Texas. 
This is probably going to be the last audio recording I'll do, seems like a good place for a bookend. If I were to keep going, it would never end, and wind up like a dried up creek, with pond scum everywhere. That's what happens when one goes round and round, in their own head. Mental pond scum forms. Ugh. Enough of my own thoughts about my own life. 

So that being said, I'm happy to be home, just getting my bearings and beginning to rebuild. I'm also happy to be in my 50's, broken down in my body, and out of the dating game. I'm expired. Completely. I have the bones of a woman in her 80's (I use a walker at home, and a cane when I HAVE to leave the house). Also, my mind is like that of a foggy brained elderly lady. So, I'm out of commission, and won't be looking for love in all the wrong places, like I used to. 

I already found my place in the world - Jesus. He's my house, my shelter, safe place, provision, protection, comfort, security, and He meets my every need. With Jesus, there's no need to be self conscious or ashamed. He's what I was looking for all along. 
I'm not changing that, rather, I'm going forward in Him. Where will that take me? What will happen next? Who knows, who cares. I'm safe with Him.

I'm back, but still not forming connections, social or otherwise. It's partially because of my psychological issue(s) with staying connected, but mainly, it's because I'm a different person, and I don't plan on even remotely trying to be who I used to be, or do the things I used to do. 
I'm carrying on with following Jesus, and willing and able to take the losses that come with it. It's become a way of life.

(audio - 55 minutes)

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The Helmet

 In 1987, at the age of 17, I put my faith in Jesus.

This is one of the first miracles He did for me,

shortly after I chose Him as my Lord and Savior.

I've told this story a few times, in different formats,

and this particular audio is extracted from a longer recording

made in 2018. 

This is a rather intense memory for me, it's mind-blowing when I really think about it. To be honest, sometimes it's a bit frightening. 

There is a scar/lesion in my brain to this day - located in my left temporal lobe - it shows on MRIs and CT scans. It is in the exact location where I was hit on the head that day, in this story. 

When I first began having brain issues and seizures back in 2006, this lesion was first discovered, and it was unknown for sure what exactly it was, one assumption being scarring from the West Nile virus and encephalitis I had recently had. 

However they also said it appeared to be old scarring, from a previous injury. The only head injury that I have ever had was on this day, in this story, when the helmet was placed on my head, and I was hit hard on the left temple. 

Lots of time has now passed, my brain issues have cleared up, yet, that old scar/lesion remains intact, on brain imaging. I believe it is a reminder to me of God's goodness and miraculous protection over me. He has always been with me. 

I am putting forth this audio exerpt today for this reason - not to speak more of myself, but to give Him honor and glory, and to say to anyone who listens, God cares, He protects and heals, He delivers us from danger. To put your trust in Him is the best life insurance there could ever be. His hands are still on my head, to this day. He is my helmet and my shield.




      long audio about God - compiled mp3 - Christian talk 